We have always been made to believe that Tunisia is a “small country” in terms of land size. This is only an illusion caused by 2 facts:
- The country is bordered by Algeria and Libya. Two large countries. They’re in the top 20 of the world’s largest countries by area.
- The Mercator projection causes significant disproportions on the maps.
Here are a few facts that may surprise you:
- Tunisia’s land size is: 163,610 km².
- 4 times larger than Denmark (43,094 km²).
- 4 times larger than Switzerland (41,277 km²).
- 4 times larger than the Netherlands (41,543 km²).
- Larger than England (130,395 km²).
- Larger than North Korea (120,538 km²).
Let’s stop thinking that we are small and that it is our ‘small’ surface that prevents us from shining on an international scale. Our country is big enough, and its image in our minds must be even bigger.

The above picture is taken from thetruesize.com.
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