‘We share the pain of the Lebanese people and sincerely reach out to offer our full support at these trying times,’ Tunisian presidency tweeted Tuesday.

Lebanese Authorities confirmed that unsafe storage of about 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate in a warehouse at the Beirut port started a fire, which triggered a huge explosion and additional fires.
At least 110 people are dead and more than 4,500 injured in the capital city. Rescue workers are searching for more victims amid the rubble.

Tunisia’s response was immediate, the Tunisian authorities approched Lebanon directly through the highest diplomatic means. President Kais Said reached out directly to his Lebanese counterpart, Michel Aoun, offering Tunisia’s support and solidarity with Lebanon, asking God Almighty to protect Lebanon and the Lebanese people from all harm.
“We offer Tunisia’s full support and solidarity with Lebanon”, The Head of State expressed.

Tunisian Presidency office reported as well that the Head of State, Said, immediately “instructed the head of the Tunisian Armed Forces to send two military planes, C130 Super Hercules, fully loaded with medical and humanitarian help, to bring back up to 100 wounded for treatment in domestic hospitals, and to find out what else Tunisia can do to help Lebanon.”